External Presentations

Team members have given a number of public presentations on topics related to their work at Rivos.

RISC-V Summit

  • I/O Virtualization Use Cases and the RISC-V IOMMU Overview - Ved Shanbhogue, Rivos Inc. at RISC-V Summit North America 2022
  • Confidential Computing for RISC-V-based Platforms - Ravi Sahita, Rivos Inc. at RISC-V Summit North America 2022
  • RISC-V IOMMU - Ved Shanbhogue, Rivos Inc. at RISC-V Summit North America 2023
  • Enhancing RISC-V Performance Analysis Infrastructure - Beeman Strong & Atish Patra, Rivos Inc. at RISC-V Summit North America 2023
  • The SBI V2.0 and Beyond - Atish Patra, Rivos Inc. & Anup Patel, Ventana Micro Systems Inc. at RISC-V Summit North America 2023
  • Towards Scalable Confidential Computing on RISC-V - Ravi Sahita, Rivos Inc. at RISC-V Summit North America 2023
  • Enabling Confidential Computing on RISC-V Platforms - Ravi Sahita and Atish Patra, Rivos Inc. at RISC-V Tech Talk 2023
  • RISC-V Performance Monitoring: Where we are and where we're going - Beeman Strong and Atish Patra at RISC-V Tech Talk 2023

Linux Plumbers

  • Confidential Computing for RISC-V-based Platforms - Ravi Sahita, Rivos Inc. at Linux Plumbers Conference 2022
  • Perf feature improvements in RISCV - Atish Patra, Rivos Inc. at Linux Plumbers Conference 2023
  • Update on RISC-V Confidential VM Extension (CoVE) - Atish Patra, Ravi Sahita, Rivos Inc. at Linux Plumbers Conference 2023
  • Control Flow Integrity on RISCV - Deepak Gupta, Rivos Inc. at Linux Plumbers Conference 2023
  • SBI Supervisor Software Events - Clément Léger, Rivos Inc. at Linux Plumbers Conference 2023
  • Deprecating Stuff - Palmer Dabbelt, Rivos Inc. at Linux Plumbers Conference 2023
  • RISCV patchwork CI - Björn Töpel, Rivos Inc. at Linux Plumbers Conference 2023
  • Shrinking The Elephant: A Confidential Computing Attestation Sequel - Samuel Ortiz, Rivos Inc. at Linux Plumbers Conference 2023

  • Open Source Confidential Computing with RISC-V - Samuel Ortiz, Rivos Inc. at FOSDEM 2023
  • Lessons from porting software to RISC-V @ RISE - Ludovic Henry, Rivos Inc. at FOSDEM 2024
  • Unleashing RISC-V in Managed Runtimes: Navigating Extensions, Memory Models, and Performance Challenges in OpenJDK - Robbin Ehn, Rivos Inc. at FOSDEM 2024
  • Other

  • CoVE Attestation Framework - Samuel Ortiz, Ravi Sahita at Confidential Computing Consortium - Attestation WG 2023-05
  • Opening the I/O gates with confidential containers - Samuel Ortiz & Jiewen Yao at Open Confidential Computing Consortium 2023
  • Your Big Iron's Unsung Little Hero:The Silicon Root of Trust - Samuel Ortiz, Rivos Inc. at Embedded Recipes 2023
  • Building a Vendor-Agnostic Attestation Service: Confidential Containers Trustee - Samuel Ortiz, Rivos Inc. at EuroProofNet 2024
  • Papers

  • CoVE: Towards Confidential Computing on RISC-V Platforms - Ravi Sahita et. al. (Pages 315–321) at Invited Paper: CF '23: Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers 2023-05
  • Going beyond the Limits of SFI: Flexible and Secure Hardware-Assisted In-Process Isolation with HFI (Pages 266-281) at ASPLOS 2023: Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems 2023-03
  • An Open-Source RISC-V Vector Math Library at IEEE International Symposium on Computer Arithmetic 2024-06
  • Copyright © 2024 Rivos Inc. All rights reserved.
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